Challenge #4:
The World of Extended Reality (XR)
Virtual Reality (VR) x Augmented Reality (AR)
Welcome Back!
It’s nice to see you back here at the Future New Worlds Tour! Now that you are tracking really well with some of the easy-peasy challenges from the start of the tour, it is time for a bit of a STRETCH to discover more about the world of Extend Reality (XR) – which is a wild combo of both Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). Are you ready for the journey?
>>>>> Innovation: powering future industries
Telstra’s XR will be powering future industries such as: medicine, business, construction, education and entertainment.
Our world has become more blended between the real world and the virtual world.
Our lives will be more accessible for all types of people’s mobility, from anywhere, anytime and even from your own iPad in your living room!
The picture to the right shows an example of augmented reality. It’s a real world picture that has an overlaid map of info graphics. How cool is that?
Can you see yourself working with this type of innovation?
The picture to the left is an example of how a furniture company could be using augmented reality to help their sales.
Extended Reality is a combination of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality which is being designed, created and tested at the Telstra 5G Innovation Centre.
This example could be taken further to encompass Extended Reality should the furniture company have their customers design their space in a virtual reality world.
>>> The Telstra Challenge: Extended Reality
Our friends at the Telstra 5G Innovation Centre have put together this great video to explain about Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). This dynamic combo provides what is called Extended Reality (XR)!
Have a listen to Joel as he provides some cool information on innovations that are happening right now in the communications industry!
View now, to get an inside peak…
>>>> The Telstra Challenge
There are 2 different activities for you to experience:
Fixing things in the 21st century 😮
Your ideas about how to fix things 😎
Activity 1: Fixing things in the 21st century 😮
You will get to experience the powering of future industries.
What you will need for this challenge is:
an iPhone or an iPad (an android will not be suitable for this activity)
the Smart Moden QR code below
access to the Internet
What you need to do is:
Step 1: With your iPhone or iPad scan the Smart Moden QR code to access the Telstra CareAR page for the Telstra Smart Modem 3 instructions.
Step 2: Now select the Launch the Experience button
Step 3: Select the ‘How To’ Instructions section
Step 4: Select the ‘Unboxing’ section. Start the demonstration by continuously selecting the ‘Next’ bar. At each view of the instructions, you will see animated green arrows. Interact with the arrows and then select the ‘Next’ bar. Repeat this until you reach the Finish button. This means you have viewed the whole demonstration for Unboxing. Now select ‘Back to home’ to return to the next ‘Set Up’ demonstration.
Step 5: Select the ‘Set Up’ button. Now choose the ‘Interactive 3D instructions’ section. Select the ‘Next’ button to take you through the whole demonstration until you have reached ‘You’re all set!’ Click the x at the top right corner to exit from the demonstration.
What did you think?
How would you rate this experience ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Activity 1: Your ideas to fix things 😎
Now that you have experienced this awesome Extended Reality (AR x VR) technology, the challenge we have for you is to think of how YOU might be able to use XR (combo), VR or AR to fix a problem or to help someone. This could be a funky new way to recycle, help people with mobility problems, cool entertainment ideas… remember how Joel from the Telstra 5G Innovation Centre told us about how Telstra is having an impact on businesses, hospitals and schools – watch the video again if you need a reminder for your inspiration!
Now it’s your turn!
Use the following Design Thinking steps:
Empathize: research your users’ needs in one sentence or a few words.
Define: outline the need and/or problem
Create: provide your own unique idea about how to use this technology to fix it (AR, VR or XR)
Design: describe (written or video) or draw your design
Test: how do you think you could test your idea
Share: Save the above 6 steps of your work and send a copy to
Remember to put Telstra Challenge #4 in the subject line!!
>>>>> Time Capsule ⏳
Save and share your work us with us at Remember to put Telstra Challenge # 4 in the subject line. Once you’ve sent in your work, you’ll be entered into the prize draw for some awesome Telstra merch!!
Why not share and chat with your peer network: friends, classmates, siblings!
Add in your time capsule today’s date and a note to your future self!

>>>>> Bonus question👑
And your ‘chat’ has just begun…spread the word in 20 words or less with your BFFs about what interested you the most about this technology or challenge?
>>>>> Have your voice heard📣
Telstra Prizes: Winning!!🏆
Challenge Prize: now that you have sent along your work you are now in the draw to win some great Telstra Merch.
Grand Prize: If you complete all of the challenges, you will be in the Grand Prize DRAW for an iPad 10 (yellow, 264 GB with Wi-Fi). How good is that? 🥳
Please note that the iPad does not come with a data plan, pre-paid plan or sim card!