CHALLENGE #5: Unique practices to reduce!
Wow! Only 2 more Sustainability CryptoQuest Challenges to go!
Let’s get straight into it… you know the drill by now.
Fun Facts:
How much Christmas wrapping paper was used last year in Australia?
Australians use more than 150,000 km of wrapping paper during Christmas. Do you know that is enough paper to wrap around the Earth’s equator nearly 4 times! Yes, 4 times!!
It is time to rethink how to reduce that Christmas waste to make your next Christmas merry for both your family and the environment!
There are actually many societies which practice ways to reduce wrapping and packaging. For example Japan uses a traditional gift wrapping practice for hundreds of years that uses a beautiful silk cloth to carefully wrap their gifts.

And this rethink helps us to set up our next Sustainability CryptoQuest Challenge #5 for Reduce:
Decipher the traditional Japanese wrapping practice with Jenna’s Caesar cipher:
Ixurvklnl lv wkh Mdsdqhuh forwk wudglwlrqdoob xvhg iru jliw zudsslqj!
Now it’s your time to shine. Demonstrate how you use reusables in your everyday life. Take a pic of you reusing something in your environment to save it from landfill.
Write an encrypted caption on the photo with Jenna’s Caesar cipher.
With your parent/guardian’s permission, send us an email with the pic, caption and the decrypted message from Step 1 to with the SUBJECT LINE challenge #5.
You might see your pic on our socials!
Yes, remember that there are more cool prizes!
Challenge # 5 prizes are beautiful, repurposed gifts from our friends at the World’s Biggest Garage Sale.
Congratulations on continuing to use your cryptography skills. You are at the pointy end of finishing the 6 challenges to be in the draw for the GRAND PRIZE from our friends at Telstra
Only one step away now to completing the WHOLE 6 challenges…