Being a Superhero Garbo!
Welcome back!
It’s nice to see you are determined and persisting with the challenges. Now that you have already had some easy-peasy Sustainability CryptoQuest Challenges at the start of the quest it is time for a bit of a STRETCH to get you thinking a bit more about ‘what would a Superhero Garbo do’ - just like Lee Constable’s alter ego: Captain Garbology!
Fun Facts:
Have your heard or read the awesome book by Lee Constable: How to Save the Whole Stinkin’ Planet?
Lee has some great insights into what it takes to be a superhero garbologist
Here are Lee’s top 10 tips…
Sort your daily garbage
Think about where waste goes
Make the best bin-based decisions
Recycle your rubbish to decrease demand from scratch
Recycle or repurpose to keep rubbish out of landfill
Mindful your rubbish does not end up in oceans, waterways and land
Careful to pick up any rubbish from the environment – even if it is not yours
Learn ways to recycle to make sure waste does not go to waste
Educate yourself on what are MURFs: Material Recovery Facilities
Come up with great ideas to reimagine rubbish use at home, school or in your community
Which is a nice segue (fancy term meaning transition) into Lee’s Challenge #4

As you are now at Challenge #4, we thought we would take it up a notch and do 4 steps:
Think about how and why we sort garbage. Can you come up with a few tips on how to best sort our garbage and which refuse goes in which bin?
Using Jenna’s Caesar cipher encrypt your answer which will be your caption in the next part of the challenge.
Now it’s time to dress up like Lee Constable’s alter ego: Captain Garbology to match her pose and take a pic. Awesome work.
Add your clever caption to the pic – yes, encrypted of course!! Good job.
With your parent/guardian’s permission, send us the pic with your encrypted caption to with the SUBJECT LINE challenge #4.
You might see your pic on our socials!! Check out the other pics and their captions. See anything interesting?
Congratulations! No surprises as you are now eligible to WIN!!
OMG YES more prizes!
Challenge #4 Prize. You bet there are more prizes to WIN: it’s an autographed copy of Lee Constable’s book: How to Save the Whole Stinkin Planet.
Yep – you have done it again, another Sustainability CryptoQuest Challenge done and dusted and another step closer to being entered into the draw for the GRAND PRIZE!
Only two steps away now to completing the WHOLE 6 challenges… keep on going!
Well done you!