CHALLENGE #2: How can you recycle?
Why hello there again!
It’s nice to see you back here after getting off to an awesome start with the Sustainability CryptoQuest Challenge #1. We hope you liked our easy-peasy start to the challenges and are ready to learn more about how to recycle!
Fun Fact:
Do you know how many clothes are discarded per 10 minutes in Australia alone?
Australians discard close to a whopping 800,000 tonnes of clothing and textiles each year, a rate of 15 tonnes every 10 minutes… Can you believe this??
And most of it goes into landfill!
The problem with throwing all of our unwanted stuff into landfill is that it takes a LONG time to breakdown in the environment.
…And that’s a BIIIIIG problem.
And not only that, it is a missed opportunity to pass on our clothes to someone who may be in need, can be repurposed, or you can use to make CA$H… Cha-ching!!

So this is where our Sustainability CryptoQuest Challenge #2 comes into play empowering you to make a difference!
Walk the talk…
Think about what in your environment needs recycling. Could it be plastic bottles? How many plastic bottles can you recycle for this challenge? Choose what you’d like to recycle in your environment and count the number of items that you’ve recycled.
Done? AWESOME job!
Using Jenna’s Caesar cipher from the Google masterclass, encrypt the following message:
I recycled # what? for this challenge.
With your parent/guardian’s permission, send us an email with your encrypted answer for this challenge and a pic of the recycling activity to with the SUBJECT LINE challenge #2.
I recycled # what? for this challenge and your pic.
You might just see your message and pic on our socials :)
Did someone say prizes??
Whoo! You are now in the draw for these awesome prizes for Challenge #2. WIN Girls Day Out in STEM Tote Bags!
Your cryptography skills are improving and one step closer to entering the draw for the grand prize!