What can you do for a sustainable tomorrow?
Hi Legend!
We are super stoked that you have joined our Sustainability CryptoQuest! Welcome to Challenge #1 of the 6 challenges!
This year the UN’s theme for International Women’s Day is Changing Climates: Equality today for a sustainable tomorrow.
For us at Girls Day Out in STEM this encapsulates so many ideas. We’re humbled to have decided that it implies that world change is needed and in order to accomplish this, skills are necessary to fulfil the heavy task.
Higher order thinking and analysis are essential looking to the future to solve some of our greatest challenges. So that is why we’re combining cryptography + solving sustainability problems for this event.
Girl’s let’s practice cryptography to be ready to change the world and make it a better place.
Ok, so let’s get this party started…
Fun Facts:
You may be asking why is it important for all of us to act to change many different types of climates that have biases against women and girls: at home, at school, in society and of course the environment.
Six easy actions to prevent climate change:
Reduce emissions: ride your bike more
Save energy: mindful of electricity use at home
Implement the 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
A low carbon diet: eat local and in season
Take action to save forests: plant a tree!
Demand sustainable measures: correctly managing community waste

So here is our easy-peasy Sustainability CryptoQuest Challenge #1 for you:
Using Jenna’s Caesar cipher from the Google masterclass, decrypt the question and answers in the poll in the blue box.
Ummm…. didn’t see Jenna’s masterclass? Click here to go back to the page to watch the cool video!
Now that you have decrypted the question and answer in the poll, you can read it! Vote in the poll to have your say!
Send us a message in an email that is partially encrypted and decrypted to with SUBJECT LINE Challenge #1:
My answer to the poll is (encrypted): _______ (decrypted from the poll on the page).
You might see your message on our socials :)
Congratulations you are now eligible for Challenge #1 Google Goodie Prizes!!
And…As a bonus those who have completed all of the challenges will be in the draw to win the GRAND PRIZE a Samsung Galaxy Tablet valued at $2000 from our friends at Telstra.