Challenge #6:
Financial wellbeing 🪣
UN Sustainability Development Goals no.8:
Decent Work & Economic Growth!
Congratulations on reaching this far🎉
You are at the last challenge - Challenge#6. What a fantastic effort!
Let’s take a poll:
Are you confident in making good financial decisions?
What is wellbeing? What is literacy?
Wellbeing is the state of being healthy, happy or prosperous;
And literacy is having the ability to read and write…
So, then what is financial wellbeing? What is financial literacy?
Financial wellbeing is the ability to be financially secure and confident, giving you the freedom to spend and save money to enjoy life as well as be prepared for your future.
Financial literacy is knowing how to manage your money wisely, through budgeting, saving and spending. It can also include knowing how to read and understand financial documents such as bills and bank statements.
So, we asked our banking friends at Suncorp what they did to help their customers and communities enhance their financial wellbeing and literacy - the key is education on saving, spending and budgeting enabled by simple and easy-to-use technology and digital experiences. Here are some great tips:
You can ‘bucket’ your money by working out your budget and splitting it into saving and spending
Let’s talk about money and get rid of the old taboos!! Our last STEM Cover Girl challenge is aimed at being able to talk confidently about money, make good financial decisions and invest emotionally in your financial future with some help from our banking friends at Suncorp.
In accordance with this year’s UN International Women’s Day theme: Count Her In - let’s get started creating a future so bright for our next generation of girls, that it’s rock solid!
The most recent figures relating to Australian high school girls seem to indicate that they are lacking confidence in making financial decisions. Additionally, there are many in our society today who feel that girls shouldn’t discuss money or finances. The truth is that we all need to make financial decisions and therefore we all need to be discussing and learning about money. We all need money to function, to make purchases for food, clothing and basic necessities – even to save for a rainy day!
Girls can be in charge of their financial wellbeing too!
Challenge #6: Financial Wellbeing
Together with our bankding friends at Suncorp, we discussed this year’s UN International Women’s Day theme of Count Her In and have come up with some fun challenges for you. You can start practicing financial literacy and be on your way to being confident in your financial decisions and developing your financial wellbeing. This is actually one of the UN Sustainability Goals and Suncorp Bank is committed to these goals and aspires to create a brighter future for their customers, all people and the world.
Financial Bingo Challenge!
Recommended for Years 5 and 6. This is a group challenge!
How to Play:
Step 1:
First you will need to have a blank bingo card. You can make copies of this card to play with your friends.
Step 2:
Let’s start with a list of financial words/terms. We have come up with some for you, however you will need to add in your own as well. (Income, Savings goal, Debt, Discounts, Data, Budget, Donate, Sell, Fees, Scams, Credit, Everyday spending, Savings, Interest rate, Pocket money, Banking app). Come up with 8 more financial words/terms before you begin the bingo game. 24 financial words/terms in total are required to play this bingo game.
Bonus: Talk about the financial words/terms with a family member, teacher or a family friend in the financial sector (with your parent/guardian’s permission) to learn about them IRL (in real life). How can these terms enhance your financial decision making?
Step 3:
Display all of the financial words/terms to the players.
The players must randomly fill in the bingo card with all of the displayed financial words/terms. One financial word/term per square.
Remember just one word/term per square. Leave the centre square FREE 😊
Example Card
Step 4:
One person has the job of calling out the financial words/terms. The other players mark off the words/terms on their cards as they’re called.
Step 5:
The winner is the first person to get a straight, vertical, horizontal or diagonal row across. Call out BINGO if this is you. Game over 🎯
Good luck peeps and send in your Bingo cards to be in the prize draw for this challenge!
Send your work to:
Remember you need your parent/guardian’s permission to send in your work
Send it to: : by March 10th at 5pm AEST (Queensland time)!
Subject line: Challenge#6FinancialBingo
Financial Skills Challenge
Recommended for Years 7 and 8
Practice 1
How to Play:
Imagine you have received a virtual amount of $500 to use in 1 month 🤩
Use the items below and decide how to allocate your $500 towards spending, saving and donating against your short-term goals, long-term goals, needs and wants🌈
Record your spending weekly for 4 weeks to complete a month of spending - this includes recording how much you have saved and donated as well🪣🪣🪣
The amounts of money below are maximums for this challenge. You can decide how much to spend, save or donate for each item and you can decide if you’re going to include that item this month. For example, you might really want a bike so you allocate all of your virtual $500 to savings for the bike. In this scenario, then there is no money left for any donations and absolutely no extras or even for some necessities from the Spend section 😭 Is this really what you want?
At the end of the challenge, reflect on your financial journey and any obstacles you faced.
Remember you only have $500. Here’s the list of things for this challenge. Decide how to use your money wisely!!💭
For you submission either take a picture of your work or send in your spreadsheet with your work to be in the draw for a prize.
Be in the prize draw for this challenge#6 Financial Skills Practice 1
Send your work to:
● Remember you need your parent/guardian’s permission to send in your work
● Send it to: by : March 10th at 5pm AEST (Queensland time)!
Subject line: Challenge#6SkillsPractice1
Girls Just Want to Have Fun… and SAVE too!
Practice 2
What is your dream job? So, let’s do the ‘girl maths’…
🪣How much would you earn a week from your dream job?_________________________________________
🪣What would you spend your hard-earned income on - use your SPEND bucket _____________________
🪣How much would you save each week and what for - use the other bucket, SAVE __________________
🪣How much are you willing to donate and for what cause - use the third bucket, DONATE ____________
In Practice 1 above, we gave you the items. Now using your answers to the questions about your dream goals, needs and dreams, fill in the spreadsheet again with your spending, saving and donating weekly for 4 weeks.
What did you learn from this? How can this be helpful to you in the future?
Dreams Come true! Use the calculator to demonstrate how to turn your dream into reality for you!
Use these tech tools to demonstrate how you have been using the buckets for spending, saving and donating.
For your submission either take a picture of your work or send in your spreadsheet with your work to be in the draw for a prize.
Be in the prize draw for this challenge#6 Financial Skills Practice 2
Send your work to:
● Remember you need your parent/guardian’s permission to send in your work
● Send it to: by : March 10th at 5pm AEST (Queensland time)!
● Subject line: Challenge#6SkillsPractice2
Let’s take the poll again!
Are you confident in making better financial decisions now?
😯Awesome Prizes
to be Won😯
Gift Pack from Mecca ❤️🔥
$50 gift voucher from 99Bikes ❤️🔥

WELL Done…do your happy dance 👯
Wow, you finished all 6 challenges!
Give yourself a big pat on the back!!
Thank you for taking part! We really hope that these challenges have inspired you. More importantly, with some learning and self-belief we can manage our own finances, study any field and/or career of our choosing in STEM (or other choice) and be happy :)
STEM is not an exclusive club. It is for all of us to be Counted In…
🏆Grand Prize draw 🏆
If you finished all 6 challenges you will now be in the Grand Prize Draw for a choice between an iPad or an opportunity to be a STEM Cover STEM Girl on the cover of the Careers with STEM digital magazine. Remember all completed entries must be submitted by the closing of the event March 10th at 5pm AEST (Queensland time).See you at Challenge#5
Watch our socials for the announcement of the winner of the draw!!