Challenge #5:
Cyber Safety First πŸ’—

UN Sustainable Development Goals no.4: Quality Education

Be Cyber Safety smart and be like Elle…

you picked the wrong girl!


How to be Cyber Safe with Cyber Security πŸ’—

Let’s think back to before technology, when we used to lock our important documents in a filing cabinet 😁 Today, we have less and less paper documents, concert tickets, bank cheques etc. and more electronic ones, so we need a new way to lock up our new assets that are stored electronically.

Last week before the Taylor Swift Australian Melbourne concert, some fans had purchased electronic tickets online and their accounts were hacked. Subsequently their electronic tickets were stolen and resold! 😯

This is a timely reminder for us to be aware that we need to keep our new electronic assets safe. Just as we had locked filing cabinets in the past and then used passwords when technology was first introduced, experts are now recommending that we use strong and unique passphrases for different accounts. Passphrases are more secure than passwords and:

πŸ’ŽEasy to remember

πŸ’ŽHarder to hack

πŸ’ŽUse random words in a sentence so it’s harder for a computer to guess

Remember: Cyber safety will never go out of style!

Grok Course Work πŸ’—

Our friends at Grok Academy have some awesome materials that we recommend to get up to speed on your Cyber Safety with Cyber Security!

πŸ’—Modules recommended for years 5 & 6:  Grok Academy

πŸ’— Modules recommended for years 7 & 8: Grok Academy

πŸ’—There are also some offline unplugged activities for younger learners: GROK - Privacy 3-4 Student Password Booklet A4 V4 (

πŸ’—And check out these awesome competitions as well: Infosec - Cyber Security | Grok Academy (

Cover Girl Challenge #5: Make a poster

Cyber Safety First πŸ’—

Now after completing your course work, you should have a good understanding of why cyber security is so important.

πŸ’Ž Use your creativity to make a poster with the slogan: Cyber Safety First πŸ’—

πŸ’Ž Include in your messaging why cyber security is so important and the gems of wisdom you learnt from your Grok course.

πŸ’Ž All participants that submit posters will be entered into the draw for a prize.

πŸ’Ž Grok will also select one winner whose poster they think has the best message about why cyber security is so important. This poster will be posted on their socials.

Now send us your work! Remember you need:

  • Your parent/guardian’s permission

  • Send it to:

  • SUBJECT LINE: Challenge#5Cyber Safety FirstπŸ’—

  • All completed entries must be submitted by the closing of the event March 10th at 5pm AEST (Queensland time).

Prize Draw Challenge#5: Cyber Safety First πŸ’—

πŸ†The best poster will be judged by Grok and announced on their social mediaπŸ†

That means YOUR work might be chosen to star on Groks socials 😊 πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

All completed entries will be in the draw to win some awesome prizes as well…

πŸ’—10 Grok goodie packs

πŸ†Grand Prize draw πŸ†

AND…If you finish all of the challenges, you will be entered into the Grand Prize Draw for a choice between an iPad or an opportunity to be a STEM Cover Girl on the cover of the Careers with STEM digital magazine. Remember all completed entries must be submitted by the closing of the event: March 10th at 5pm AEST (Queensland time)!

Fantastic job guys…see you for the last Challenge #6πŸ’—