Challenge #3:
XR ‘Say Cheese!’📸

UN Sustainable Development Goals no.9: Industry, Innovation
and Infrastructure

Meet our happy Cover Girl….

Now we are on to challenge#3

Traditionally photos and/or images have been used as content in magazines, books and other publications. These photos/images could help us understand the authors’ meaning. One photo/image could tell a whole story, but it was in 2D, printed flat on paper.

Now technology is taking photography to the next level. In this challenge, you have the chance to access the latest technology called Photogrammetry!

What is Photogrammetry? Who uses it and why is it important? Let’s listen to Emma and Ally, from Qld XR Hub, who will explain it.

>>>>> So, listen up peeps and get ready for an exciting journey into XR and photogrammetry!


STEP 1: Pick the object you want to scan. Then set it up in as clear an area as you can - you want to be able to use your camera to scan all the way around the object and not have any other objects get in the way! 

STEP 2: Download the Polycam app or open it in your web browser.



STEP 3: Open the app and press ‘skip for now’, then ‘Having fun’on the next screen.

How does Challenge#3 work?

There are 3 parts to this challenge…

📸 PART 1: First you create a 3D scan of an object you like. Simply follow steps 1-6 below to achieve this.

📸 PART 2: Then, once you have created your 3D scan, you take a photo of your 3D object and describe how it could be improved.

📸PART 3:Share your work with us to be in the draw for the Challenge#3 prize!!!

STEP 4: The app will open a camera view. Press the circle to start - the app will automatically begin taking multiple photos of your object. Slowly move around the object so that you can get a full 3D capture to create your digital model. If you’re moving too fast, the app will let you know to slow down!


When you’re finished, press the red square to stop capturing, then press ‘DONE’.

STEP 5: Next, you’ll see the below screen showing the draft of your 3D capture. Leave the settings as they are and scroll down to select ‘UPLOAD & PROCESS’.

STEP 6: Your capture will now appear in ‘my captures’. Open it to view your capture and move it around to view it in 3D.

📸Part 2: Take a photo of your 3D object. Describe how it could be improved


You’ve created a 3D model. Repeat this process as many times as you like. You can try recapturing your object or you can try capturing something else.

Then you can screenshot or share your model and send it in along with your description of how you think it could be improved!

📸 PART 3: share your work to be in the draw for the Challenge#3 prize!!!

When you’re done, submit your work to be in the draw for a prize!!!

Should the scanning not go as planned, you can always draw your object and send it into us along with your description of how it could be improved. You can still win something for your effort.

Because we know, an attempt was made and effort trumps it every time!!

Never give up!

🤩 Send your work to:

  • Remember you need your parent/guardian’s permission to send in your work!

  • Send it to: by March 10th at 5pm AEST (Queensland time).                  

  • Subject line: challenge#3SayCheese!

If you want, you can also edit your 3D capture - for example, to crop it down to be smaller.

It would not be a Girls Day Out in STEM event without epic


😯3 x Fujifilm Instax Mini 12 Instant Cameras to be won😯

🏆Grand Prize draw 🏆

AND remember…If you finish all of the challenges, you will be entered into the Grand Prize Draw for a choice between an iPad or an opportunity to be a STEM Cover Girl on the cover of Careers with STEM digital magazine. Remember all completed entries must be submitted by the closing of the event: March 10th at 5pm AEST (Queensland time).                  

WAIT, What!!

Next up Challenge#4