Imagineering Adventure - Powerlink

World #2:
Renewable Energy 🚩

Adventuring on…

🌏World #2… Renewable Energy with Powerlink!🌏


Powerlink’s purpose is to connect Queenslanders to a world-class energy future.

To be world-class means setting the standard in providing electricity for all the millions of people and thousands of businesses who rely on their energy supply - to keep the lights on so to speak.

Imagine what it would be like if there wasn’t enough electricity for you to watch your favourite TV shows or play computer games with friends.

Having a reliable supply of electricity is also critical for our hospitals and emergency services, utility suppliers and even those who manufacture or produce our foodπŸ’š

🌏Wind as a source of energy to generate electricity

Did you know that people have been using the wind for thousands of years? In fact, the first windmills were built over 5,000 years ago. In the past, windmills have been used to power grinding stones to turn grain into flour and also to pump water out of wells.

Here in Australia, windmills first appeared in the late 1800's and were used as a source of power to irrigate farms bringing water to people and animals.

Today, wind energy is also used to generate electricity using wind turbines (modern windmills). Having many of these wind turbines in one place is known as a Wind Farm. Wind farms on land are called Onshore Wind Farms. When they are out at sea they are called Offshore Wind Farms.

The good news about wind turbines is that they don’t produce harmful waste products such as carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a gas that forms a layer above the earth’s surface and traps heat around our planet which is one of the reasons why our atmosphere is heating up. A warm earth is not good news for us, the plants or other species!

As we need to start reducing carbon dioxide emissions to help prevent climate change, we can use wind farms to create alternative renewable sources of electricity. This can be a great renewable source of energy because we don’t need to burn coal and gas (non-renewable sources of energy) to make electricity.

So, let’s get our imaginations going to get ready for our next Imagineering Adventure…

Renewable Energy Wind Farm 🌏🚩


We are going to use some of the steps from the Engineering Design Process to help guide you to imagineer your very own Wind Farm!

  1. Ask: your task is to imagineer a wind farm.

  2. Imagine: have fun imagining where you would like to have your wind farm. Is it on land (Onshore Wind Farm) or out at sea (Offshore Wind Farm)? Choose the one that best suits your idea.

  3. Plan: now that you have decided your location, it’s time to brainstorm your ideas. What do you imagine your wind farm would look like? What do you imagine are the pros (good points: no carbon dioxide) and cons (bad points: might be noisy or kill birds flying into them) of your plan.

  4. Create: this is the best part! Draw your ideas for us to see. Hint: if you are time poor you can use some AI design tools. Just use your keywords as prompts to help you out. Tinker and experiment until you are satisfied with your design.

  5. Improve: now that you have gone through these imagineering steps. Take a moment to reflect on your great ideas. Is there anything that you think you might do differently or improve?

Share your imagineered work with us πŸ’šπŸŒπŸ’™πŸŒˆ and be in the draw to win some awesome prizes!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Bonus 🚩

🌏Make your own windmill 

[suggested adult supervision]


🌏You will need the following:

  1. A piece of paper

  2. A small thumbtack or pin (Berry pin with a bead head is preferred)

  3. A pencil with a rubber top or a straw

  4. A ruler

  5. A pair of scissors


  • First measure out a 20cm x 20cm square on the paper and then cut the square out.

  • Then, with a pencil, draw a line diagonally across the paper from corner to corner as shown in the diagram.

  • Next, where the two lines meet in the middle of the square, make a round mark on the paper. Now, push your thumbtack or pin into your round mark to make a small hole.

  • From the small hole in the centre of the paper, measure 3 cm along each of the diagonal lines and put another small mark with your pencil in each corner.

  • Carefully with your pin make a hole in the 4 marks in each corner.

  • From each corner, cut along the 4 diagonal lines [see dotted lines on the example].

  • Next, one by one, pick up each flap at the corner with the hole in it, and curl it to the hole you made in the middle of the square. Thread the pin through the holes, so that the head of the pin is on top of the 4 folded flaps [see example photo].

  • Now push the pin into the rubber on top of the pencil or your drinking straw. You may need supervision or help with this.

Congratulations you now have your very own windmill. Put it in a windy spot or blow on it to turn the blades (flaps) and watch it turn. You might like to make a few to have your very own wind farm!!

🌏Takeaway: This activity demonstrates how the energy of the wind moves the blades of the windmill. This is a very easy way to do scientific modelling [simulation].

In a more complex and detailed real-world version of this, engineers at Powerlink, use modelling to help them with their electricity energy delivery.

🌏We hope you loved this challenge from our collaboration with Powerlink!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

>>>>>Passport Challenge Stamp #2 🌏

Have you finished this challenge to
Adventure World #2: Renewable Energy🚩


If so, save your work and share with us at

Remember to put Challenge#2 in the subject of your email 😊

>>>>> Passport Poll Stamp #2πŸ—³οΈ

Brain-break time to …Poll πŸ—³οΈ

Earn yourself a Poll Stamp #2 πŸ—³οΈπŸš© πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

>>>>>Passport Metaverse
Survey Stamp #2 πŸ“‹

Hello adventurers, did you enjoy your journey into the Powerlink Metaverse. So cool 😎 Now to earn your next stamp, answer these simple questions from your Metaverse exploration…

Done πŸŽ‰πŸͺ©πŸ’ƒ land yourself a survey #2 passport stamp for this World AdventureπŸ“‹πŸš©

>>>>>Passport Burning Question Stamp #2❀️‍πŸ”₯

Now that you have shared with us all the 4 activities of the World Adventure #2 Renewable Energy [Challenge#2🌏, Poll#2πŸ—³οΈ , Survey#2 πŸ“‹ and Burning Question#2 ❀️‍] you are now in the Powerlink prize draw for your chance to WIN a Powerlink STASH πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ including a signed copy of Lee Constable’s: How to Save the Whole Blinkin Planet book!! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³Maybe your work will be displayed on our socials ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Earn yourself a passport stamp by asking the experts at Powerlink your Burning Question #2 ❀️‍πŸ”₯

From all you have discovered with this challenge, what made you interested or piqued your curiosity?

Send in your Burning Question ❀️‍πŸ”₯ to to get your passport stamp πŸš©πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Remember to put Burning Question#2 in the subject of your email 😊

Grand Prize:
whoo-hoo!! πŸ«§πŸ†πŸ«§

Complete visiting all 7 worlds of the Imagineering Adventure to be in the Grand Prize DRAW for an iPad 10, 64 GB with Wi-Fi from our friends at Telstra! Remember to collect all 4 Passport activity stamps for each world!

Bubbles of fun 🫧🫧🫧

*Please note that the iPad does not come with an included plan, pre-paid plan or sim card*