Advanced Navigation
Industry Partner Portal

Advanced Navigation creates robotic and navigation technologies using artificial intelligence (AI). Their inventions help humans safely explore the world, from the deep ocean, across the desert, into our skies and even beyond to space! Their researchers and engineers help make our world a better place.

We encourage and support girls in STEM

  • In the RoboSub competition, an all-female-students team named Desert WAVE built an underwater robot named Phoenix that could travel underwater and explore all on its own.

    The team used Advanced Navigation’s Subsonus positioning system to talk to Phoenix underwater. This allowed the girls to give Phoenix different commands as it moved around the pool, such as picking up a swimming cap or a pair of goggles.

    The Desert Wave team won third place with their robot Phoenix! You can check out their inspiring story here!

We are creating a stronger, healthier ocean

  • The ocean is full of excitement and mystery that we have yet to explore! Advanced Navigation’s underwater robot Hydrus makes it possible for us to ‘see’ the underwater world.

    Hydrus can swim around and explore underwater without any help. It can capture stunning photos and videos of important things for ocean researchers to study such as coral reefs, fish, turtles and can even discover new places like underwater caves! Hydrus will help us understand how to better protect marine life, so we can have beautiful oceans that are healthy and strong.

We help drones communicate with each other

  • We help drones communicate with each other 🗣️ Drones are helping humans everywhere. We use them to spot koalas in bushfires, deliver food and medical supplies to people who live far away, and even spot sharks who swim near our beaches. Flying one drone is easy, but what if you’re on a life-saving mission and need to use ten or twenty drones to spot someone at sea?

    Advanced Navigation’s drone platform allows you to do that.

    Lifesavers can fly multiple drones across the beach, allowing the lifeguard at the control tower to view what each camera is seeing from their laptop. If there’s an emergency, such as an approaching shark or a lost person in the sea, the lifeguard on duty can send out lifesavers immediately.

We inspire the next generation of engineers

  • We inspire the next generation of engineers

    Advanced Navigation’s Student Grant Program motivates and financially supports high-achieving engineering students at university. Last year’s program attracted students from all over the world. They shared compelling thoughts on why they believed autonomous systems, such as drones, robots and self-driving cars, can help make our future more sustainable.

    In the end, Advanced Navigation selected one winner and four runner-ups, and awarded them a generous grant prize! You can read their impressive work here.